In the framework of the JA NFP4Health – Joint Action on increasing capacity of EU4Health National Focal Points, the NFPs Interaction Platform is devoted to become a concrete tool aiming at reinforcing the EU4Health NFPs’s network also within the wider scope of maximizing the EU4Health divulgation and impact on the national, regional and local ecosystems.
The Interaction Platform is a tool that ensure a strong communication channel among and will contribute to the process of strengthening the knowledge and capacity of NFPs.
In quality of WP6 “Capacity Building for NFPs” Leader – ProMIS Programma Mattone Internazionale Salute (affiliated entity of the Italian Ministry of Health) will moderate the platform activity as key WP deliverable.
registerThe European Commission offers publicly available courses on project management, to empower professionals in the field. PM² publications and artefacts Project Canvas THE COURSES PM C1 – PM² Essentials, Project Management Methodology Course details This course provides a summary of the PM² Methodology developed by the European Commission, to enable Project Managers deliver solutions and…
Read moreThis EUHPP Live webinar on “Health at a Glance: Europe 2024 Promoting healthy ageing and longevity whilst tackling health workforce shortages” took place online on Monday 18 November. On Monday 18 November 2024, the European Commission and the OECD released the new edition of the flagship publication “Health at a Glance: Europe”, kicking off the…
Read moreOn 19 November, the HERA Info Day took place in Warsaw and online. It was attended by key stakeholders, including networks of public and private healthcare providers, pharmaceutical and medical manufacturing companies, emergency services, civil society organisations and NGOs. SUMMARY OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS Laurent MUSCHEL, Director (HERA) During the introductory remarks, it was mentioned once…
Read moreThe training edition ‘JA NFP4Health Learning by Doing LABs – Cancer’, was organised in Warsaw by ProMIS and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Poland as part of Work Package 6 ‘Capacity Building for National Focal Points’ of the Joint Action on Increasing the Capacity of National Focal Points NFP4 HEALTH. The event…
Read moreThe THCS Partnership is organising, with the support of the Italian MoH and ProMIS, its second annual conference on 28 and 29 November 2024 at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels. This two-day event will offer valuable perspectives on the transformation of health and care systems in Europe, creating a unique opportunity to connect…
Read moreTHCS will launch its third Joint Transnational Call for proposals aiming to fund research and innovation projects that strengthen primary and community health and care systems and provide policy and decision makers with the necessary knowledge and tools to govern the transitions needed in the primary and community care sector. Proposals are expected to address…
Read moreHaDEA has published the EU4Health call for tenders HADEA/2024/OP/0034- Support to stakeholders on secondary use of data within the European Health Data Space. This call for tenders aims at supporting key stakeholders to comply with the European Health Data Space (EHDS) requirements and technical specifications, while supporting their collaboration in the rollout and operations of HealthData@EU. Additionally,…
Read moreThe training edition ‘JA NFP4Health Learning by Doing LABs – Cancer’, was organised in Madrid by ProMIS and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III de Madrid as part of Work Package 6 ‘Capacity Building for National Focal Points’ of the Joint Action on Increasing the Capacity of National Focal Points NFP4 HEALTH. The event was…
Read moreAs part NFP4Health, Task 6.3 “NFPs Twinning Programme” aims to share in a structured and outputoriented way approaches, good practices and tools between/among NFPs. Twinning programmes for NFPs focus on countries with low participation rates or newly nominated NFPs, to provide opportunities for exchange of experiences and good practices, in order to improve successful national…
Read moreThe event, which is organised by HaDEA and the JANFP4Health, will take place on November 12, from 12:30 to 17:00, in Lisbon, as part of the pre-conference framework to the 17th European Public Health Conference 2024 (November 13 to 15). The JANFP4Health Portugal and Italy teams will participate in the event’s opening and closing sections.…
Read moreCo-funded by the Health Programme of the European Union