
Welcome to the EU4Health
National Focal Points – NFPs Interaction Platform!

In the framework of the JA NFP4Health – Joint Action on increasing capacity of EU4Health National Focal Points, the NFPs Interaction Platform is devoted to become a concrete tool aiming at reinforcing the EU4Health NFPs’s network also within the wider scope of maximizing the EU4Health divulgation and impact on the national, regional and local ecosystems.

The Interaction Platform is a tool that ensure a strong communication channel among and will contribute to the process of strengthening the knowledge and capacity of NFPs.

In quality of WP6 “Capacity Building for NFPs” Leader – ProMIS Programma Mattone Internazionale Salute (affiliated entity of the Italian Ministry of Health) will moderate the platform activity as key WP deliverable.



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Co-funded by the Health Programme of the European Union